Monday, December 28, 2015

Fat lips, black eyes, and fevers

This past weekend I worked 3 12-hour shifts - Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  That meant that Steve was the parent for the weekend.  This morning, after shift number 2, I come home and Steve was telling me that Madison had been carrying a book and stumbled and hit just below her eye with a corner, leaving a little cut and possibly a black eye.  He also said that Porter ran or fell into the corner of our end table in our family room and also had a mark and possible a black eye from that. 

Then at church, Porter fell asleep and woke up with a fever.  Fun times. So I left early and came home to get some sleep with Porter before work. 

Finally, while at work, I call Steve while on break and he tells me that just after he gave Madison a bottle for bedtime, she turned around to walk, lost her balance and smacked her face on the bottle.  She now has a fat lip.

You sometimes just have to laugh.

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