The past six weeks (has it really been six weeks already?!?) have been great ones. First Christmas as a married couple (we enjoyed our Christmas John Deere PJ pants on Christmas Eve, enjoyed the afternoon at the Allreds, and the evening with the Gunnells, Bairds and Ziehls). First New Years (celebrated by popping popcorn on the stove, drinking Root Beer (of course) and watching Up). And we have enjoyed creating our first home in our first apartment.
Steve and I are no longer working at the bakery. There was too much drama there and it was out of control! I quit on Dec 18th and Steve quit on Christmas Eve. Steve has since started working at Standard Plumbing in Sandy in the warehouse. He does a lot of the shipping and pulling and stocking of the online orders. There is talk that he will be the full time "On-Call" person, meaning the person that does the on-call orders. He's pretty stoked about that.
I'm still part time at the Gap. It's slowed down a bit but that's to be expected. However I am interviewing for a temporary manager's position on tomorrow. It will be part time for three months and full time for another three with a bonus $150 a month. I feel fairly confident about the job as it deals primarily with merchandising and visuals, which was pretty much all that I did last summer in Oregon. Keep your finger's crossed!
We are attending a married student ward which we LOVE! We have made great friends with our neighbors, Laura and Gordon Cooper and we have had dinner with Jana' and Tyler Aitken (Tyler served in the same mission as Steve... small world.) We love our Bishop, too. He's pretty amazing.
I feel like our apartment is pretty settled. We have been extremely blessed when it comes to our furnishings. In one week we went from four old folding chairs (like the metal ones at church) to two sets of couches, a washer and dryer, and a coffee table... for $100. We had a desk, given to us by Amy and David (the same desk I used as a little kid), a dresser from Mom and Dad Allred, a bed that I got in Oregon, my cedar chest, a book case, and a TV and TV stand from my parents. I still have yet to hang all of our pictures. Still can't decide where to hang the big one...
All in all, we love being married... It is treating us well...
**Our camera is giving us issues. I feel lame when I do posts without pictures. :( **
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
5 days ago